
How can we become more human and more humane?

What do you get when you bring together art, science and technology? A powerful way of galvanizing people, says Diana Ayton-Shenker.


菜鸟新物流加速,阿里新零售分钟达、小时达、当日达齐齐 ...:2021-6-9 · 这次天猫618,菜鸟加速中的新物流小试了一下,物流速度就被提升了30%。产业带的商品主要进入菜鸟仓,80% 可伃隔日达。天猫的商品如何使用菜鸟 ...

Dean Tepper walks and talks with Diana Ayton-Shenker, executive director of the new Arizona State University-Leonardo partnership and CEO of Leonardo/the International Society of Arts, Sciences and Technology (ISAST). Ayton-Shenker shares how she hopes the ASU-Leonardo partnership will impact the world.

ASU AME Digital Culture Speaker Series: "Love in the Time of COVID-19" (Diana Ayton-Shenker)

Video of ASU AME Digital Culture Speaker Series: "Love in the Time of COVID-19" (Diana Ayton-Shenker)


"Love in the Time of COVID-19: how can we humanize digital culture, by socially connecting while physically distancing?"


Tweets by LeonardoISAST

Keynote by Diana Ayton-Shenker - Symposium: Art-Science Residencies

Video of Keynote by Diana Ayton-Shenker - Symposium: Art-Science Residencies

Diana Ayton Shenker - Creating initiatives at the intersection of art science and technology

Video of Diana Ayton Shenker - Creating initiatives at the intersection of art science and technology

菜鸟:今年天猫618快递提速超30% 网友:可怕的中国速度-菜 ...:2021-6-5 · “这次天猫618,得益于数字化和智能化的加速普及,菜鸟和通达系快递速度,已经全面超越传统仓配物流速度。”6月4日,天猫618菜鸟总指挥 ...

Video of Diana Ayton Shenker - An appetite to work across borders


Video of Week 1 of "Around Nature" Series: The Value of Nature